Superintendent March 2024 Newsletter
Published: March 19, 2024

Superintendent’s Message

Dear BUSD Families,

Benicia is a small community. Small enough that when someone sneezes on 1st Street, someone blesses them from the top of Rose Drive. So, one can imagine the noise within the echo chamber when grievances play out publicly. What concerns me more is that much of the information communicated through social media channels is inaccurate and unsubstantiated. The educators on the receiving end of these public grievances may live in the community, may have ties to the community, and, in some cases, have children in our school system watching disagreements play out publicly. As students watch adults tussle over various media channels, they watch the same behavior we encourage them not to engage in with their peers. So, let’s be mindful of how we, as adults, handle concerns. Social media is a valuable tool. However, posting a narrative that does not include all the information and attempting to put pieces of a puzzle together with inaccurate information can be reckless, it doesn’t solve the issue, and may create further divisiveness. For issues regarding BUSD employees, please follow the proper procedures. 

These are my thoughts, and I share them out of care and concern for our community.  


Damon J. Wright, Ed.D.
Benicia Unified School District