Superintendent November 2023 Newsletter
Published: September 08, 2023

Facilities Improvement Measure

The Benicia Unified School District relies on the generosity of our community, and we appreciate our partnership. The residents of Benicia have a history of supporting facility improvement measures in 1991, 1997, and 2014. Measure S, the most recent facilities improvement measure, provided $49.6 million to enhance and replace District facilities, and we are proud of the progress made with our project upgrades, including, 

  • Constructing New Classrooms, 
  • Fencing the Perimeter of all schools
  • Repairing and Renovating Aging Classrooms 
  • Repairing Leaking Roofs and Deteriorated Restrooms
  • Improving Classroom Technology,  
  • Constructing the BHS Stadium Project, 
  • and the Entryway at Mary Farmar and Benicia Middle School

The Measure S funds have been allocated and entirely spent by the end of this school year. While the District has well-maintained schools, our facilities are old, and significant upgrades and renovations are needed to ensure the health, safety, and security of those who use them. As the highest performing district in Solano County and the vision of being recognized as the top District in the state, we are committed to providing an excellent education for our students. 

The District also aims to finish the work we started to bring our schools up to standard with curb appeal that makes our community proud. 

BUSD has conducted a facility assessment, which provides summarized facility needs and facility lists for all of BUSD school sites. The total projected costs of the District’s facilities needs include infrastructure, safety and security, new construction, and the modernization, upgrade, and renovation of classroom and school facilities over $150 million. The Facilities Master List is a working document as the committee adds projects and prioritizes them as we gain input and perspective from our educational partners. The scope of improvements needed at the Benicia Unified School District is far more than the current funding sources available. The per-pupil funding that the District receives from the state does not enable Districts to fund significant upgrades, renovations, and modernization projects or new classrooms and facilities. 

On November 2, 2023, the Benicia Unified School District Governing Board moved to place a $122.5 million facilities improvement measure on the March 2024 election ballot. It is important to note that the facilities improvement measure will not increase the tax rate of Benicia residents due to previous bonds expiring in 2026. The proposed measure will extend the current program, and taxpayers will pay at a lesser rate than they are currently paying. 

The passage of this improvement measure will provide our students with a better learning environment by making repairs and upgrades to existing classrooms and school facilities, many of which are also used by and available to the community. If the proposed measure does not pass, our classrooms and school facilities will continue deteriorating. The funds that would otherwise go to classroom instruction will be needed to make critical safety repairs and improvements at each school. The District would need to postpone significant repairs and, as a result, will potentially be more expensive to make.

Again, the measure will not increase the tax rate local property owners are currently paying. Instead, it will extend the current tax rate, expiring in 2026. We thank our community as we have enjoyed the support over the years. We are seeking their support once again. We want to continue providing a service and have facilities our students, parents, and community are proud of.


Damon J. Wright, Ed.D.
Benicia Unified School District