Benicia USD Governing Board Meeting Superintendent’s Report
Superintendent January/February 2024 Newsletter
Superintendent Message Dear BUSD Families, BUSD and educational partners recognize Random Acts of Kindness week from February 11, 2024, through February 17, 2024. Recognizing random acts of kindness is an opportunity to reflect on our explicit and implicit behaviors...
Remembering 9/11
On September 11, 2001, I woke up at approximately 6:00 a.m. to start my day. I jumped into my 1965 Forest Green Mustang, put my CD in the deck, and headed to work. As I cruised down 94 East, fellow commuters drove slowly on a traditionally fast freeway. Curious, I...
Superintendent November 2023 Newsletter
Facilities Improvement Measure The Benicia Unified School District relies on the generosity of our community, and we appreciate our partnership. The residents of Benicia have a history of supporting facility improvement measures in 1991, 1997, and 2014. Measure S, the...
Dissertation: How Exemplary Urban Superintendents Build Trust With and Between School Board Members
The purpose of this explanatory sequential mixed-methods study was to identify and describe what strategies exemplary urban superintendents perceive as most important to build trust with school board members using the 5 domains of competence, consistency, concern, candor, and connection…